Donate now to support teen mental health, inspire hope, help, and recovery. image

Donate now to support teen mental health, inspire hope, help, and recovery.

Help us save lives and bridge the gap between suffering and services, fear and education, isolation and connection.

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There is a teen and young adult mental health crisis in our county. - US Surgeon General. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for youth 15-24.

Over 40% of US high school students reported persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. - CDC

This organization was born from personal experience, we saw firsthand how teens sharing their stories of recovery can make a huge difference, even save lives.

Teens listen best to other teens. Their stories of recovery are honest and powerful. They provide inspiration, hope, and guidance to thousands of teens.

We offer coping skills, resources, and animations that inform, and help to reduce isolation, stigma, and pain felt by many.

Thank you for caring. Thank you for sharing.

We never share your private information. All donations are tax deductible.

If you prefer to make a donation by mail, please send it to: Teens4Teens Help 22287 Mulholland Hwy., #5818 Calabasas, CA 91302